Armenia | Georgia | Hungary | kyrgyzstan | moldova | Poland | ROMANIA Türkiye  | Ukraine | united kingdom


Frontline Youth Network
Armenia | Berd

Frontline Youth Network (FYN) is a community of young people who connect and empower other young people from rural and borderline communities in Armenia. Working at the grassroots level, FYN’s mission is to advance youth activism, engage people on the frontlines, and advocate for sustainable peace.

Read more: Meet our new Spark Fund partners!
Havasar Educational Foundation
Armenia | Yerevan

Havasar Educational Foundation is a youth-led organization focused on improving access to inclusive education for children with disabilities. Havasar has created a mobile educational app that contains accessible lessons for children with visual, hearing, or intellectual disabilities.

Read more: Meet our new Spark Fund partners!
Queer Sista Platform
Armenia | Yerevan

Queer Sista Platform is a queer feminist organization working with and for LGBTQ+ people. The platform hosts different queer initiatives and creates a safe space for self-expression and self-organization, as well as for collective, peer, and professional support.

Read more: Meet our new Spark Fund partners!
Initiative for Social Changes
Georgia | Tbilisi

Initiative for Social Changes (ISC) promotes and advocates for sustainable positive changes for the welfare and protection of social groups in vulnerable circumstances. The organization’s priority areas are child protection and welfare; gender equality and women’s rights; and youth empowerment.

Read more: Meet our new Spark Fund partners!
Invisible Labor
Georgia | Tbilisi

Invisible Labor is a youth-led volunteer organization that promotes reproductive health and rights for women. The organization’s efforts are focused on alleviating period poverty, improving access to hygienic facilities and low-cost or free menstrual hygiene products, and increasing workplace protections.

Read more: Meet our new Spark Fund partners!
Youth for Public Health
Georgia | Tbilisi

Youth for Public Health improves access to educational resources for young people in rural areas and supports and strengthens youth development. The organization is launching a mobile classroom that delivers on-site and in-person programs using specially designed equipment with interactive educational resources and a mobile cinema.

Read more: Meet our new Spark Fund partners!
Hungary | Szombathely

Litera is a Ukrainian-led organization in western Hungary that provides educational and therapeutic activities for Ukrainian refugee children and youth as well as psychological and legal assistance for Ukrainian refugee parents.


Jointly Act Girls
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek

Jointly Act Girls promotes and protects the rights of girls and works to reduce gender-based violence, child marriage, and bride kidnapping. This youth-led organization, which was founded by a 16-year-old girl, provides rights education and leadership programs, empowering girls to influence their families, schools, and communities, and promotes new legislation and policies.

Read more: Meet our newest GFC partners!
National Federation of Female Communities of Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek

The National Federation of Female Communities of Kyrgyzstan (NFFCK) is a girls-led organization working throughout Kyrgyzstan to empower girls and decrease child marriage and violence against girls through public awareness programs, girls’ leadership and health programs, community outreach, and national advocacy.

Read more: What it means for girls to lead


Education Center: Diversity
Moldova | Chișinău

Education Center: Diversity promotes human rights, tolerance, social responsibility, and respect for cultural diversity. The organization offers educational resources and programs; provides training to teachers and other professionals; and creates opportunities for members of minority groups to share their cultures and traditions.

Read more: Creating safe spaces for Ukrainian children in Moldova
Moldova | Chișinău

Feminismd raises awareness about gender equality issues. By utilizing its social media platforms and organizing in-person and online events, the organization informs teenagers in Moldova about gender equality and social justice issues and empowers them to combat these problems.

Read more: Meet our new Spark Fund partners! | Building a youth feminist movement in Moldova from the grassroots
institute for Rural initiatives
Moldova | Chisinau

The Institute for Rural Initiatives (formerly Ograda Noastra NGO) promotes socio-economic initiatives in rural communities in Moldova, with a focus on disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

Read more: “We are all Moldovans.”Community development in Moldova – one teenage entrepreneur at a time | Local groups adapt quickly to meet COVID-19 needs | Welcoming Ukrainian refugees in Moldova | Ukrainian families find friendly communities in Moldova | GFC and partners discuss community-driven responses to the Ukraine crisis
NGO Pharos
Moldova | Ceadîr-Lunga

NGO Pharos is a youth-led organization that trains other young people on how to work with local authorities so they can raise awareness about issues affecting youth. The organization also empowers young people to implement their own projects.

Read more: Meet our new Spark Fund partners!
Moldova | Balti

STUDEM is a youth center-led and managed by a group of elected young people. The center’s priority is to increase the civic involvement of young people through involving them in the process of organizing the Center, managing the activities of the center, and growing the degree of media literacy through partnerships with media institutions.

Kocham DEbniki
Poland | Kraków

Kocham Dębniki was founded after the Russian invasion of Ukraine to create a friendly environment for integrating Ukrainian refugees into the Dębniki neighborhood in Kraków. The organization hosts a neighborhood center that offers a community shop, integration and language activities, childcare support, and other services, and it also provides direct humanitarian support to shelters within Ukraine that assist women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

Let’s Help Together Foundation
Poland | Kraków

Let’s Help Together Foundation was created to support Ukrainian refugees and offers long-term psychological assistance, in Ukrainian, to refugees living in Kraków and the surrounding areas. The organization provides individual, child-centered therapy to children as well as individual and group therapy to adolescents and adults impacted by the war in Ukraine.

Poland | Kraków

Martynka was created after the 2022 Russian invasion forced millions of Ukrainian refugees to flee to Poland. The organization’s programs include a trafficking prevention program at the Poland-Ukraine border and a program assisting survivors of gender-based violence with legal, medical, and psychological support.

Poland | Kraków

Mudita is a women-led association that supports families that have fled from the war in Ukraine and are living with disabilities. Mudita operates a hotline as well as centers in two cities that provide physical and occupational therapy; psychosocial support; and social services support.

Poland | Warsaw

Our Choice Foundation, founded by members of the Ukrainian diaspora in Poland, serves the Ukrainian community through the Ukrainian House, a center that offers a hotline and in-person consultations for Ukrainian families, matches refugees with available housing, operates a Ukrainian school where both teachers and pupils are refugees, hosts a Ukrainian women’s club, and organizes Ukrainian cultural programs.



Romania | Sibiu

Asociatia pentru Libertatea si Egalitatea de Gen (ALEG) promotes gender equality and fights gender-based violence and discrimination in Romania.



Mavi Kalem Social Assistance and Charity Association
Türkiye | Istanbul

Mavi Kalem Social Assistance and Charity Association mobilizes community volunteers in Türkiye to empower women and children, including migrants and refugees. The organization offers arts and education programs for children, including workshops for girls on physical and mental health, sports, and protection from violence and sexual abuse.

Read more: Innovative education for child refugees in Turkey | Protecting refugee women and children on the Turkish border | Helping children and families impacted by the earthquakes in Türkiye



Bebiko supports children and youth with Down Syndrome with specialized educational courses and cultural activities. Bebiko also conducts public awareness and engagement programs to facilitate the full integration of those living with Down Syndrome into Ukrainian society.

Ukraine | Lviv

Bilkis is a grassroots initiative that supports women and LGBTQ+ people. The organization provides humanitarian support and cultural events as well as summer camps for children.

Dream Workshop
Ukraine | Lviv

Dream Workshop helps young people with intellectual disabilities and mental health conditions and their families while also teaching inclusion. The organization offers non-formal education and household skills programs, as well as art therapy, and is developing supported housing.

Feminist Workshop
Ukraine | Lviv

Feminist Workshop provides assistance to women and children by supporting activists and operating shelters for internally displaced and elderly people. The organization also offers life and digital skills workshops and career development support for women.

Read more: GFC and partners discuss community-driven responses to the Ukraine crisis
Fight for Right
Ukraine | Kyiv

Fight for Right works to promote the rights of people with disabilities. The organization is empowering and supporting people with disabilities including by providing leadership and skills programs to girls and women with disabilities.

Fulcrum UA
Ukraine | Kyiv

Fulcrum UA provides humanitarian assistance and psychosocial support, including by helping mothers and children weather the winter months. The organization also supports LGBTQ+ youth by advocating for their rights and by training psychologists and other specialists to be more inclusive.

Gender Zed
Ukraine | Zaporizhzhia

Gender Zed is a human rights organization focusing on the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. The organization’s work includes supporting gender equality, preventing the spread of HIV, and advocating for the law to change regarding civil partnerships.

Innovation Action
Ukraine | Vinnitsa

Innovation Action provides support to internally displaced women and their children through community building and psychosocial support as well as by responding to their humanitarian needs.

Kiev Children and Youth Support Center
Ukraine | Kyiv

Kiev Children and Youth Support Center serves orphans with special education needs. The organization supports children between the ages of 6 to 16 and offers sessions with healthcare professionals, including speech therapists.

LGBT Association LIGA
Ukraine | Mykolaiv

LGBT Association LIGA supports LGBTQ+ youth by creating safe spaces and humanitarian hubs, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, and providing training and internships for LGBTQ+ activists.

LGBT Union You Are Not Alone
Ukraine | Zhytomyr

LGBT Union You Are Not Alone provides support to LGBTQ+ youth through community building, safe spaces, psychosocial support, skills workshops, and humanitarian aid.

Read more: Supporting LGBTQ+ youth in Ukraine
Luhansk Regional Organization – Association of Women, Youth, and Families with Disabilities of the Eastern Donbas (AMI-East)
Ukraine | Kyiv

AMI-East provides support to children and young people living with disabilities, including legal, educational, and medical assistance. The organization helps children and youth with disabilities who are in especially challenging circumstances, including those forced to flee their homes.

Read more: Protecting children with disabilities amid the war in Ukraine | “My entire Ukraine is covered in wounds” | Defending the rights of children in dangerous circumstances in Ukraine and India

Nadiya provides daycare, socialization, and integration services for children and young people with disabilities. The organization launched the ART-Space social workshop to provide full employment and social interaction for children and young people with disabilities and their mothers by empowering them to conduct creative workshops and sell their own products.

NGO Education 360
Ukraine | Kyiv

NGO Education 360 promotes the right to a quality education for every child. The organization’s priorities include informal education projects, psychological support and training for educators, and summer camps for the children of internally displaced people and fallen military personnel.

NGO Rodyna
Ukraine | Kyiv

NGO Rodyna provides social and development services for children and young people with intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders. Established by parents, the organization promotes inclusion and integration and runs a support center to ensure children and youth with disabilities receive the help they need to develop life skills and avoid entering institutional care.

Orphan’s Future
Ukraine | Ternopil

Founded by orphanage graduates, Orphan’s Future promotes the safety and wellbeing of orphaned children and youth. The organization runs an information center, supports family-style homes for orphans, and offers life skills training and summer camps to orphans and orphanage graduates.

Read more: Building a brighter future for orphans in Ukraine
Platform TU
Ukraine | Dnipro

Platform TU promotes human rights and youth empowerment through art and culture. The organization has created an independent artistic space that enables innovative ideas, critical thinking, and creative self-expression.

Pravo Vibora
Ukraine | Kharkiv

Pravo Vibora provides support for children and youth with disabilities, including physical rehabilitation for children and educational and employment support for youth. The organization also conducts outreach in the community to overcome negative stereotypes about people with disabilities.

Ukraine | Kyiv

See with Your Heart provides comprehensive support to children, teens, and young individuals with disabilities to foster their socialization and personal growth. Additionally, the organization offers parenting programs to educate caregivers on the most effective ways to engage with children who have developmental disabilities. Since the February 2022 Russian war on Ukraine began, See with Your Heart has also been actively assisting families with children with disabilities to relocate and find material and psychosocial support.

ServeNow Ukraine
Ukraine | Kyiv and Irpin

ServeNow Ukraine provides summer and afterschool activities, informal education, and life skills workshops to children.

Step into the Future
Ukraine | Odesa

NGO Step into the Future provides support to youth with disabilities to help them socialize and integrate within society. The organization also offers supported living arrangements for young people with disabilities.

Theatre of Contemporary Dialogue (TCD)
Ukraine | Poltava

Theatre of Contemporary Dialogue is a youth-led theater group that empowers young people to understand themselves and their identities through art. The organization provides an opportunity for young people in Poltava, Ukraine, to develop their creativity and talents through self-expression.

Ukrainian Womanity
Ukraine | Zaporizhzhya

Ukrainian Womanity advocates for the rights and opportunities of women and children by providing trainings and informal education as well as support for children with disabilities. One of their training programs is peer-to-peer mine safety training.

Voice of Romni
Ukraine | Zaporizhzhya and Uzhorod

Voice of Romni promotes the voices of Roma women. The organization seeks to dismantle prejudice through education and offers psychosocial support and life and employment skills to Roma women.

Volunteers: Adults-Children
Ukraine | Kharkiv

Volunteers: Adults-Children focuses on child protection by supporting family-style orphanages, running parental programs, and offering psychosocial support and social work along with case management.

We Are Close Crisis Center
Ukraine | Vinnitsa

We Are Close Crisis Center is a support center for women with children who have experienced domestic abuse. The center provides shelter and meets the basic needs of the women including psychological support and help to build a career, in addition to providing education for their children.

Youth Organization STAN
Ukraine | Ivano-Frankivsk

Youth Organization STAN is a human rights organization that promotes youth activism and the integration of internally displaced people. The organization also prioritizes reducing the stigma attached to mental health issues.

Read more: Supporting internally displaced families in Ukraine | GFC and partners discuss community-driven responses to the Ukraine crisis
Youth Community of Lysychansk

Youth Community of Lysychansk provides opportunities for young artists from the Luhansk and Donetsk regions to grow on personal, creative, and professional levels. Its experimental exhibition space, Gareleya Neotodryosh, does not have a permanent location and hosts exhibitions in unusual places including abandoned industrial and residential facilities.

Your Future

Your Future provides rehabilitation and medical support to families and children living with disabilities, material assistance to orphans, and support to children from marginalized families and communities.

Ukraine | Kyiv and Lviv

Zaporuka supports children who have been diagnosed with cancer and their families, as well as children with other serious medical issues. The organization’s projects include the “Dacha Center” where families can stay for free while their children are receiving treatment.



united Kingdom
Bradford, England

BEAP Community Partnership is a community-based group in Manningham, Bradford with a traditional focus on serving the local Bangladeshi community. The organization engages young people in social action through sports with projects such as developing and training young people as volunteer sports activators; working with its young football fan group, Bangla Bantams, to set up community littering projects at Bradford City Football Club; and developing a youth café in its new Sports Hub.

Breaking the Silence
United Kingdom | Bradford

Breaking the Silence (BTS) supports a particularly underserved population of West Yorkshire: Black-African, Afro-Caribbean, and South Asian boys and young men who are affected by, or are survivors of, sexual abuse, many of whom are reluctant to seek help because of systemic racism and patriarchal structures. BTS conducts extensive community outreach to find its clients, supports them through interventions to keep them safe, and then offers individual and group counseling to meet each survivor’s unique needs.

United Kingdom | Sheffield

The only organization of its kind in Sheffield, England, Haven provides specialist support services for children and young people affected by domestic abuse. Its flagship program focuses on strengthening the bond between children and their safe parent/caregiver after they have left an abusive relationship. Haven also offers crisis intervention; group support and preventative programs; and training for professionals working with children and youth.

United Kingdom | Bristol

A youth-focused organization in the United Kingdom, Integrate UK works to address female genital cutting and honor-based violence through peer education in schools, training for frontline professionals, film development, stage productions, conferences, and advocacy with local and national government such as police departments, schools, and Parliament.

United Kingdom | London

With an emphasis on serving youth involved in or at risk of criminal behavior, Juvenis helps young people in South London to turn their lives around and re-engage with employment, education, or training. Its specialized programs include mentorship for youth in police custody, therapy and life skills training for survivors of domestic violence, an expressive safe space for girls and young women, and individualized support for disenfranchised youth entering the job market.

Read more: Cyrus’s story
United Kingdom | Greenwich

Little Fish Theatre provides youth aged 10 to 19 who live in low-income communities in south London with arts-based programs such as productions, workshops, counseling, and advocacy that develop self-empowerment and life skills and encourage empathy and positive communication.

Bradford, England

Tasif Khan Community Boxing Academy (TKBA) is a nascent and growing community-based organization that has strong engagement with boys and young men in its community. Using a mix of boxing, mentoring, and personal development, TKBA empowers boys and young men from highly deprived urban communities, supporting them to develop positive masculine identities.

Violence Intervention Project
United Kingdom | London

The Violence Intervention Project (VIP) supports young people who have been involved in or are at risk of violent behavior. Through one-on-one outreach and group sessions, as well as school workshops, sports activities, and camps, VIP helps youth to open up about their experiences, develop positive relationships, and end the cycle of violence in their communities.

Warren Youth Project
United Kingdom | Hull

The Warren Youth Project is a free community resource center for young people in Hull, England, where youth can access a range of services to support their wellbeing, employability, education, and creativity. Its programs – which are guided by young people – include counseling, a food bank and cafeteria, youth employment services, social justice campaigning, emergency support, arts projects, complementary therapies, and a recording label and studio.

Read more: Allowing the need to lead: How The Warren Youth Project adapted to COVID-19 | Stories in the Making | Celebrating International Women’s Day
Bradford, England

West Bowling Youth Initiative has supported young people engaging in their communities for over 30 years by helping youth volunteer; building youth leadership opportunities and programs; and setting up new youth-run initiatives. The organization engages with hard-to-reach young people, including those excluded from or struggling at school; ex-offenders and youth in the criminal justice system; and others facing a difficult transition to adulthood.

Bradford, England

Worth Valley Young Farmers Club (WVYFC) is a voluntary, youth-led organization based in the rural Worth Valley region in Bradford that empowers young people who are rurally isolated to come together and develop their own social action campaigns and land art. The organization also engages young people, including boys and young men, in youth social action opportunities that matter to them including fundraising for local causes, creating social enterprise opportunities, and championing campaigns for local produce.

United Kingdom | London

YOH is a locally led community group focused on supporting marginalized children and young people in and around Central and East London and parts of Essex. Using an award-winning approach, YOH engages young people that have slipped through the net of existing service provision and supports their transition to self-empowerment and positive outcomes. Its support ranges from providing essential supplies to employment access.


Global Fund for Children (GFC) UK Trust, created in 2006, is a UK registered charity (UK charity number 1119544). We work to generate vital income, create new fundraising opportunities, and raise awareness of the invaluable work of GFC’s grassroots grantees. Our aim is to extend the reach of GFC in the United Kingdom, Europe, and beyond.

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