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Coalición Indígena de Migrantes de Chiapas and Shobujer Ovijan Foundation win the 2024 Courage Award.

Coalición Indígena de Migrantes de Chiapas and Shobujer Ovijan Foundation win the 2024 Courage Award.

JUNE 18, 2024 – WASHINGTON, DC, AND LONDON – Global Fund for Children (GFC) announced the winners of the Juliette Gimon Courage Award today, recognizing two courageous organizations that are committed to protecting the rights of migrant children and young people.

GFC’s Ukraine response: the latest

GFC’s Ukraine response: the latest

Through its Emergency Response Fund, Global Fund for Children is supporting grassroots partner organizations in Ukraine and neighboring countries that are providing humanitarian aid and long-term support to children and families affected by the war in Ukraine.

Mexican Olympian Nataly Michel joins GFC as a Global Ambassador

Mexican Olympian Nataly Michel joins GFC as a Global Ambassador

Elite fencing champion Nataly Michel represented Mexico in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. She joins Global Fund for Children as a Global Ambassador and plans to use her athletic background as a vehicle to encourage gender justice and youth power within the Americas.

Global Fund for Children launches initiative to support Mayan girls in Yucatán, Mexico, to exercise their voices, agency, and rights.

Global Fund for Children launches initiative to support Mayan girls in Yucatán, Mexico, to exercise their voices, agency, and rights.

The U múukil xchu ́upalo ́ob (Niñas Valientes/Strength of Girls) Initiative is dedicated to providing Indigenous adolescent girls in southern Mexico with meaningful opportunities to enhance their skills and overcome gender-based and sociocultural obstacles that hinder their progress, specifically in education.

Las organizaciones de base y el Fondo Global para la Niñez hacen un llamado a la Filantropía para convertir al Financiamiento Flexible en la Norma

Las organizaciones de base y el Fondo Global para la Niñez hacen un llamado a la Filantropía para convertir al Financiamiento Flexible en la Norma

Desde hace tiempo, el Fondo Global para la Niñez (GFC – por sus siglas en inglés) viene apoyando a las comunidades y organizaciones dedicadas a promover los derechos de la niñez y la juventud; y junto con sus socios de base han venido amplificando el creciente llamado a la filantropía en favor del financiamiento flexible a través de la campaña #FlexibleFundingWorks (#LosFondosFlexiblesFuncionan), que conforma el proyecto Funding for Real Change (Financiamiento para un Cambio Real) dirigido por Ariadne y la Alianza de Financiadores EDGE.

Grassroots Organizations and Global Fund for Children Call on Philanthropy to Make Flexible Funding the Norm

Grassroots Organizations and Global Fund for Children Call on Philanthropy to Make Flexible Funding the Norm

Global Fund for Children (GFC), a longstanding champion of supporting communities and organizations dedicated to the rights of children and youth, and its community-based partners are amplifying the growing calls in philanthropy for flexible funding through the #FlexibleFundingWorks campaign, part of the Funding for Real Change project led by Ariadne and EDGE Funders Alliance.



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