For community-based organizations
Thank you for your interest in Global Fund for Children!
At the core of our model are our partnerships with courageous, dynamic organizations and individuals that are improving the lives of children and youth in the heart of their own communities.

How to become a partner
We eagerly look for new groups and individuals to partner with across the globe, based on our regional strategies, and particularly when we launch and expand thematic and regional initiatives. Please explore information about our regional strategies and initiatives in Africa, the Americas, Europe and Eurasia, and Asia.
Global Fund for Children raises all the funds that we use to invest in community-based organizations around the world. We know that organizations spend precious time preparing proposals for prospective funders. We appreciate there are many worthy causes and changemakers that we will not be able to support. As such, we do not ask organizations to submit proposals. We visit organizations in person and build relationships, getting to know possible new partners when we have raised funds. As a first step, we maintain a database of organizations we can get to know if we have just the right opportunity.
We are committed to selecting partners who align with our values and our mission, and whose work will be enriched by partnering with GFC. We are especially interested in organizations led by people with lived experience, including young people, that aim to change unjust systems and create new opportunities for children, youth and their communities to aspire and thrive.
Grounded in our values, we have decided not to support:
- Local offices, affiliates, or projects of large INGOs, governments, or intergovernmental organizations
- Efforts to support or oppose candidates for public office
- Evangelism or proselytizing, or programs that require adherence to or conversion to religious doctrine
- Organizations that, in policy or in practice, discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation
- Groups that conduct or support violent activities or violate criminal law

Submit an expression of interest (EOI)
Please note that the form cannot load in some internet browsers. If the form does not load, please try accessing it in Google Chrome.
– Expression of Interest (English)
– Expresión de interés (En español)
– Expressão de interesse (Em português)
– Manifestation d’intérêt (En français)
Although the form is available in English, we encourage organizations in French– and Spanish-speaking countries to submit EOIs in either of these languages through forms found on the French and Spanish information pages. We can also accept EOIs in Portuguese.
Have a question about our eligibility criteria and grant process?