Blain Worku

Blain Worku

Regional Advisor – Ethiopia, Funder Safeguarding Collaborative

Blain Worku leads support for network members with funding portfolios in Ethiopia. She is an Ethiopian social development expert trained as a human rights lawyer. Blain began her career as a Public Prosecutor at the Ministry of Justice in Ethiopia and subsequently served as Head of the Justice Office, where she led the office’s investigation and prosecution activities and participated in different legal drafting assignments. She has extensive experience in civil society policy and legal frameworks, drafting and co-drafting more than 15 directives and regulations for the proper implementation of the country’s civil society law. Blain’s engagement in the development world began in 2013, when she took on the role of Social Protection and Advocacy Specialist at World Vision Ethiopia. She then went on to serve as a Child Protection National Program Manager at Save the Children International before joining the DFID/Girl Hub project (later named Girl Effect), where she served in different capacities for five years, including as a Gender and Safeguarding Manager and Senior Program Manager for Impact – Gender, Safeguarding, and Evidence. In addition to leading Girl Effect’s gender and safeguarding technical work, Blain also led on government partnerships and initiated and led the Rural School Program, which is a UNICEF-Girl Effect flagship program. Blain currently works at the Office of the President of Ethiopia as Director of Programs, where she is responsible for managing the president’s initiatives and bilateral and multilateral engagements and assisting the president with constitutional duties.



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