Safeguarding Policy
Global Fund for Children partners with community-based organizations around the world to help children and youth reach their full potential and advance their rights. We are deeply committed to protecting those most at risk and to acting as a role model for child- and youth-serving organizations.
Although children and youth may be extremely resourceful and resilient, they are also particularly vulnerable to abuse due to their lack of status and power, their stage of development, and their reliance on adults.
We recognize that:
- Organizations and professionals working or in contact with children and youth have a duty to ensure safety and wellbeing.
- The welfare of the child is a paramount consideration, as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- All children and youth have an equal right to protection, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
- It is our responsibility to minimize the harm that may be done as a result of our activities.
Our Global Safeguarding Policy reflects our commitment to respect, promote, uphold, and protect the rights of the child as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and in line with GFC values.
Should you have a safeguarding concern, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Vicky Ferguson, at vferguson@globalfundforchildren.org.