Young leader leaping through the air.

Our Influence

With over three decades of experience investing in community-led change, we have witnessed the transformative power of flexible funding and support based on trust.

Our community-based partners have called upon us to influence the larger funding ecosystem because of the many challenges and obstacles they face to access equitable resources. Together, we believe that fundamental changes are not only possible but urgently necessary in philanthropy and global development to create more just systems that unleash the potential of young people and communities around the world.

  • 88% of funding from human rights foundations in the Global North stays in the Global North
  • 63% of restricted funding agreements provide less than their fair share of the operational support costs needed to implement the project
  • 49% of youth-led organizations  working in peace building operate on less than $5,000 per year
  • Only 14% of US foundations’ global grant dollars are for general or unrestricted support

Today, we are part of growing movements to shift power, decolonize, strengthen trust-based partnerships, and transform participation in decision-making that recognize that leaders grounded in lived experience and accountable to their communities are the most trusted, effective actors for social change.

The world has changed incredibly, so why not change the bureaucratic processes as well? Youth are ready to change the world. They just need support and to be believed in. Flexible funding sees the real impact of the stories and community change and not just the reports or numbers.

Kimberly Barrios, GFC Partner La Red de Jóvenes Artistas por la Justicia Social, Guatemala

Every choice we make in philanthropy is an opportunity to move toward trust, equity, and justice. At Global Fund for Children, we are deeply committed to looking at our own choices and how can more of those choices be shaped or led by grassroots leaders and young people. We hope to share more of our journey of learning and unlearning with other funders and global development actors to create a more just future for all.

Vanessa Stevens, Director of Innovation and Influencing, Global Fund for Children

Our Approach

Our influencing aims to transform the ways individuals and institutions approach power in their mindsets and practices to create systems where community-based organizations and their communities have the resources to thrive and lead change on their own terms.

We influence philanthropy and global development by:

  • Co-creating strategies and actions with our community-based partners and youth leaders
  • Amplifying the voices and leadership of grassroots actors to create more equitable and inclusive spaces led by those with lived experience
  • Exploring innovative ways to resource change driven by children, youth, and community leaders
  • Embracing participatory methods to cede decision-making power and strengthen meaningful engagement
  • Developing new resources, evidence, and tools to further actionable learning
  • Collaborating with sector peers and networks to amplify calls for change
  • Demonstrating trust-based philanthropy in action, including flexible funding, acting on feedback, and simplifying our processes
  • Centering wellbeing and collective care in social change as a way of working

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Join Us

Through a participatory process, GFC’s grassroots partners and youth leaders have determined their priorities for change. From access to more long-term flexible funding to community-centered learning, we invite you to learn and foster change with us.

Our Influencing Partners

We believe in collective action and our grateful to our grassroots leaders and network allies.

Meet the Change Champions  

We are proud to partner with a diverse group of community and youth leaders from around the world to co-create our influencing strategies. Known as our Change Champions, this group brings their direct experience navigating funding partnerships and community-led change.

I firmly believe in the power of collaboration and collective action to generate a positive impact on the world, and I am excited to be part of this effort to build a more inclusive and effective financing ecosystem. I want to encourage everyone involved to move forward with determination and creativity in their work, and not lose sight of the goal of supporting and empowering local communities to thrive and grow. Every step we take toward equity, justice, and community well-being is a step in the right direction, and together we can achieve meaningful and lasting change.

Change Champion in an anonymous survey

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