GFC unites with philanthropic leaders in call to action to strengthen COVID-19 response

Global Fund for Children (GFC) joins more than 700 funders in a Call to Action to shift philanthropy’s response toward maximum flexibility, support, and trust during and beyond the coronavirus crisis.

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has mobilized organizations around the world to support people and communities impacted by the pandemic. It is urgent for philanthropic leaders to stand with their community partners in the face of severe and unprecedented challenges.

“This pledge really represents our commitment to uphold and deepen our practices of trust-based philanthropy and shift power to local organizations. It means we truly listen to our partners, and respond accordingly and holistically. We applaud funders committing to adapting their practices to ensure organizations on the frontlines of this crisis can adapt quickly and meaningfully to meet the needs of their community,” said John Hecklinger, President and CEO.

GFC partner Sahyog Care for You distributes hand sanitizer to children living in slum communities in New Delhi, India. © Sahyog Care for You

By signing on, GFC pledges to deepen its trust-based philanthropy principles, including:

  • Responding to partners’ emergency needs with timely, flexible funding to address the pandemic’s far-reaching health, economic, and social impacts
  • Lifting up partner voices and experiences, especially from communities least heard, to inform public discourse and our own decision-making
  • Listening to partners and acting on their feedback
  • Supporting partners advocating for public policy changes to advance an equitable and just emergency response
  • Maximizing flexibility for partners in grants and deadlines

Read the full call to action and take the pledge here.

In addition to the pledge commitments, GFC also brings its “support beyond the check”: capacity development to help partners navigate the pandemic. This support includes resource sharing, peer networks, and referrals to additional emergency funding.

“Our partners are creative, adaptive, and resourceful, and we strive to create safe spaces for them to learn, share, and collaborate across countries and issues. These spaces are especially important now to sustain grassroots leaders through this crisis with resources and relationships,” said Corey Oser, Vice President of Programs.

The pledge embodies the essential principles of trust-based philanthropy to which GFC is committed. GFC joined the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project in 2020 to address the inherent power imbalances between foundations and nonprofits and to create a trust-based philanthropic ecosystem. GFC’s participation builds upon its core value of serving partners first and its history of long-term partnerships, flexible cash, and support services to help partners achieve their goals.

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