Impact and Learning

Global Fund for Children funds community-based organizations and works closely with them to strengthen their capacity to create change. Our primary impact is on the organizations we support, and by extension, the impact they create with and for children and young people, in their communities.

Every organization has its unique aspirations and approaches, so our work with each organization is unique, tailored, and made possible by trust and understanding of their unique contexts.

We capture global quantitative indicators to capture how organizations change over time, but qualitative stories of change are critical to understanding the impact of GFC’s work. Our impact and learning approach is rooted in feedback, participatory learning reviews, and a commitment to capture only the information GFC and our partners will actually use to deepen our learning and to become more effective in our closely collaborative work.

Creating impact with and for children and communities

Since 1994, we’ve touched more than 11 million young lives by supporting our partners’ innovative community-based work.

30 years of funding community-based organisations
1300 + partners supported since 1994
391 current partners
36 % of current partners are women-led organisations
19 % of current partners are youth- led
121 partners have received emergency funds over the past two years

Our approach links impact with learning and change

Our approach shifts power to local actors, helping them pursue their own ideas for change. We learn from and with these partners and the young people we serve, to understand what is important to them so we can support them more effectively.

This intersection of approach, impact and learning means our interventions are contextually relevant.

Explore the way we work

Making a real impact

Discover how our work creates impact by exploring our learning reviews, research, surveys and community stories.

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Strong partnerships power our work

For community-based organizations

Become a funded partner

The story of APIC Utopía can be told before and after GFC. GFC listened to us and walked with us. Not back, not forward, but shoulder to shoulder. We can say with complete certainty that they will always be part of us, that they will not go away, but that GFC will continue in each of the activities that we carry out.

Jesús Villalobos, APIC Utopía, Mexico

We do not need an age criterion to create change. Adolescents-led initiatives can create impact just as well as adults, we need you to put your trust in us just as GFC has done with CFN

Stanley Swaray, Children Forum Network, Sierra Leone

Flexible funding has positively impacted the health and sustainability of organization by empowering us to be more adaptable, innovative, and strategic in achieving our mission. It provides the necessary resources and freedom to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, sustain the continuity of our work, and build long-term resilience.

Salome S. Tulay, Community Healthcare Initiative, Liberia

Young boy poking head. behind classroom wall.

Your support drives real change

Innovative community-based organizations turn small amounts of money into, lasting impact. Your donation will support our partners working at the hearts of local communities to create a safer, more just future for children and young people.

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