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239 Résultats

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Centro de Niños con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (CNNEE)

Centro de Niños con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (CNNEE)

Centro de Niños con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (CNNEE) is a solidarity initiative that promotes inclusive education with and for all by supporting families with preschool education and developmental therapy for young children, children with disabilities, and children with learning disorders.

Centro Indigenista de Capacitación Artesanal Intibucano CICAI

Centro Indigenista de Capacitación Artesanal Intibucano CICAI

Centro Indigenista de Capacitación Artesanal Intibucano (CICAI) provides middle school and technical education in a variety of traditional handicrafts to young people from Lenca Indigenous communities, offering academic opportunities while advancing cultural knowledge.

Chanan Development Association

Chanan Development Association

Chanan Development Association (CDA) strives to improve the status of youth, especially girls, by promoting equal and active participation in decision making, policy making, planning, and management.

  • Domaines thématiques Éducation, Justice de genre, Sécurité et bien-être, Pouvoir des jeunes
  • Pays Pakistan
  • Site web
Changing Stories Nepal

Changing Stories Nepal

Changing Stories Nepal is based in the far western district of Dang where it works through government schools to run play-based and experiential education programs in coordination with local youth leaders, who receive training and a stipend to work with children and government school teachers as a way to build talent and local employment along with quality education.

ChildReach Nepal

ChildReach Nepal

Childreach Nepal works with rural communities in Kathmandu and Lalitpur to incorporate sports and play into children’s development through school. Childreach has a strong focus on child protection and gender equity through its My Voice program, through which it raises awareness of social issues among parents and community members.

Children’s Forum Network-Kenema

Children’s Forum Network – Kenema is a local, autonomous branch of Sierra Leone’s national children’s parliament that exists to create safe spaces for children to discuss and raise public awareness about the issues affecting their lives.
  • Domaines thématiques Justice de genre
  • Pays Sierra Leone
Projet Chispa

Projet Chispa

Le projet Chispa apporte des livres directement aux écoles, en semant et en dynamisant les bibliothèques au sein des établissements d'enseignement locaux établis tout en formant les enseignants et les parents à gérer conjointement et à utiliser de manière créative les livres donnés de manière à animer l'apprentissage.

Club des Jeunes Filles Leaders de Guinee

Founded by a 17-year-old girl, Club des Jeunes Filles Leaders de Guinée (CJFL-G) is an association of girls and young women activists aged 14 to 24 who are committed to fighting child marriage, female genital cutting, and any other form of violence and discrimination against girls and women. CJFL-G also works to keep girls in school.

  • Domaines thématiques Éducation, Justice de genre, Sécurité et bien-être, Pouvoir des jeunes
  • Pays Guinée
Coalition indigène des migrants du Chiapas

Coalition indigène des migrants du Chiapas

The Coalición Indígena de Migrantes de Chiapas (CIMICH) was formed in 2013. It is a grassroots organization comprised of members of the Tzeltal Maya and Tzotzil Maya indigenous communities. CIMICH raises awareness on issues of migration, promoting small-scale development, advancing human rights, and proposing alternatives to migration. Members work specifically with indigenous communities and women in order to fight gender-based and other forms of discrimination. CIMICH organizes cultural activities including theater at different settings around the state of Chiapas which address abuse, discrimination, and poor working conditions, among other issues affecting indigenous communities.

Colectiva Feminista MAPAS

Colectiva Feminista MAPAS, a feminist community-based organization serving Indigenous adolescent migrant girls and their families, organizes film debates, training workshops, and other community activities in various municipalities in Michoacán. Among other projects, MAPAS Feminist School offers workshops and discussions on feminist self-defense, the human body (including how to use the menstrual cup), boundaries, and sexual and reproductive rights.

  • Pays Mexique



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