A girl wearing a mask holds a colorful stuffed animal.

Resposta de emergência à COVID-19

Os efeitos duradouros da pandemia da COVID-19 apresentam desafios sem precedentes para crianças e jovens em todo o mundo. Continuamos a apoiar nossos parceiros que trabalham para lidar com os efeitos cascata das interrupções na educação, aumento de casamentos precoces e aumento da exploração vivenciada durante a fase aguda da pandemia.

Borda tracejada ao redor da imagem

Supporting Children Affected by COVID-19

Os efeitos duradouros da pandemia da COVID-19 apresentam desafios sem precedentes para crianças e jovens em todo o mundo. Continuamos a apoiar nossos parceiros que trabalham para lidar com os efeitos cascata das interrupções na educação, aumento de casamentos precoces e aumento da exploração vivenciada durante a fase aguda da pandemia.

The coronavirus pandemic is exacerbating vulnerabilities for children and youth worldwide, and GFC’s partners are at the heart of community responses. As the pandemic took hold, these local organizations pivoted to providing emergency hygiene kits, critical food supplies, and accurate information to children and families. More than a year later, they are stepping up to support young people affected by the economic fallout and unsafe situations caused by the pandemic, while searching for new ways to deliver key programming with limited resources.

In response to these immediate and long-term challenges, GFC launched the Fundo de Resposta de Emergência à COVID-19 in March 2020. To date, GFC has issued more than $3.3 million in emergency grants to community-based organizations responding to COVID-19. This includes $851,000 for more than 140 partners serving children and youth around the world, as well as $2.5 million through the Phoenix Fund for Black, Asian, and minority ethnic organizations in England. While we are proud of this success, the needs of children and youth affected by COVID-19 continue to grow

Donate to support children affected by COVID-19 worldwide.

GFC’s community partners are uniquely positioned to protect children and youth during a crisis. Your support will provide these organizations with the immediate resources they need to keep children safe and healthy during COVID-19 and will build their long-term capacity to support children who are most at risk in the long recovery period ahead.

Through the Fundo Spark, GFC is also looking beyond the pandemic to support youth leaders and grassroots partners that are leading the charge to build a more equitable and just post-pandemic world. The world needs new solutions to entrenched problems, and we believe that young people should be drivers and decision-makers in this transformation.

Saber mais
  • Nossos parceirosMeet the GFC partners that have received COVID-19 emergency response grants [Jan. 2022]
  • Our survey data: See survey highlights on the impact of COVID-19 on GFC partners [Nov. 2020]
  • Our response: Read our special feature about community responses to keep children safe during COVID-19 [Oct. 2020]
Read the news
  • Status update: Find the latest information on GFC’s coronavirus response [Sept. 2021]
  • Youth voices: Watch a global conversation with five young female leaders about the impact of COVID-19 on girls’ education [May 2021]
  • Global statements: Read a reflection on youth and hope for the future from Managing Director Hayley Roffey [Feb. 2021], a special update from President and CEO John Hecklinger [June 2020], and a global message from President and CEO John Hecklinger [Mar. 2020]
  • Community perspectives: Watch a global conversation with four community leaders about the effects of the pandemic [June 2020]


Discover how GFC and its local partners are responding to the pandemic in the featured stories below.

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