Martin Juma

Martin Luther Juma

Regional Advisor – Kenya, Funder Safeguarding Collaborative

Martin Juma leads support for network members with funding portfolios in Kenya. He is a safeguarding and emotional wellbeing service provider and the Founder of Tunza Child Safeguarding, a Kenya-based consultancy focusing on partnering with organizations to establish safeguarding and wellbeing structures and measures for children and adults in vulnerable circumstances. Martin has over 12 years of practical experience in protection and safeguarding, having worked with numerous national and international organizations including Save the Children, Lutheran World Federation, World Vision, Oxfam, and SOS in various contexts and countries across Africa including South Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Zambia, and Ethiopia. He holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in counseling psychology.



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