Lusine Kosakyan (Armenia)

Change Champion

“Advocating for a flexible funding ecosystem not only opens doors to greater inclusivity, innovation, and empowerment within and beyond our organization but also underscores the significance of content-aware and conflict-sensitive intervention. I strongly believe that there are huge resources and potential in local communities that should be harnessed and amplified through strategic investments and partnerships.”

Lusine is a conflict resolution and mediation specialist from Armenia. She holds a Master’s degree in human rights and democratization. In 2017, she co-founded the Red de jóvenes de primera línea (FYN) to connect and empower young people from rural and border areas of Armenia. Growing up in Bird, on the northeast border, Lusine experienced the negative consequences of conflict, fueling her desire to support youth from similar backgrounds. FYN is a feminist, green, peace-oriented organization focused on empowering women and youth. Over the years, the organization has adapted its focus and priorities in response to contextual changes, with the mission of contributing to a culture of peace.



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