Felicia Fontenelle

Felicea Fontenelle

Accounting and Finance Intern

Felicea Fontenelle works closely with the Finance team at Global Fund for Children, assisting with the organization’s day-to-day general accounting and grants management operations. This fall, Felicea will be a senior at the University of the Virgin Islands, pursuing her Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting. Prior to interning at GFC, Felicea was an accounting intern at the USVI Department of Health and Human Services, where she shadowed members of the accounting department and assisted with research, filing, data entry, and recording and maintaining accurate financial reports. Felicea also worked at the University of the Virgin Islands as an Administrative Assistant, providing assistance to the Vice President of the Administration and Finance component and ensuring efficient operations of the office, while handling confidential and time-sensitive material.



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