Global Listening Tour Amplifies Youth Voices

For Immediate Release

Global Fund for Children Launches
Voice of Youth Global Listening Tour

Youth-led Panel Discussion in London Kicked Off the Yearlong Series

May 9, 2018 – Washington – Global Fund for Children announced its Voice of Youth Global Listening Tour, a yearlong initiative to lift up youth voices and ensure that they are being heard. Throughout the year, the campaign will create multi-channel opportunities for youth to voice their needs, concerns, dreams, and solutions for change.

By inviting civic leaders, funders, thought leaders, and others to engage in conversation, Global Fund for Children aims to help young people influence the decisions, policies, and programs that impact their lives. The campaign will culminate with the establishment of Global Fund for Children’s Youth Leadership Council, empowering youth to inform GFC’s work and shape its global strategy.

The listening tour made its first stop in London on April 26, where Global Fund for Children and GlobalGiving UK co-hosted Youth Speak Out, a youth-led public conversation. Youth from London-based organizations YOH and Mosaic Youth led the panel discussion alongside NGO leaders. Young people from across London were invited to share their views with people who care about youth-led change. Topics included youth unemployment, homophobia, bullying, and gang violence.

Youth on the panel and in the audience discussed growing unrest in the face of street violence in the United Kingdom. “There is going to be a big change coming, and it is going to be my generation. That makes me excited and hopeful,” said Amy, a 17-year-old panelist from London who participates in programs at Mosaic Youth.

Additional stops on the tour include public and private events in Dallas, San Francisco, Washington, and New York, as well as in India and Hong Kong. At the same time, Global Fund for Children is facilitating a virtual component of the listening tour by collecting and sharing the stories of youth role models from around the world who are leading positive change in their communities. Young people are also invited to share their responses to a series of youth-focused questions on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, lending a global perspective on issues that matter to them. Global Fund for Children will draw on common themes, ideas, and feedback to further develop the tour and to inform the development of its Youth Leadership Council.

Acerca del Fondo Mundial para la Infancia
Global Fund for Children partners to build a world where all children and youth enjoy equal resources and opportunities in society and live free from violence, discrimination, and exploitation. To that end, GFC invests in innovative grassroots organizations, helping them deepen their impact and build their capacity for social change. Together, GFC and its grassroots partners advance the rights of children and youth facing poverty and injustice and equip them with the tools and skills to reach their full potential. Since 1997, Global Fund for Children has invested nearly $40 million in more than 600 grassroots organizations, reaching more than 10 million children and youth worldwide. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Suzie Galler
Director of Marketing and Communications
Fondo Mundial para la Infancia
 (+ 1) 202.222.0804




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