Education, Gender justice, Safety and wellbeing, Youth power
20 reasons we’re excited for 2020
By Global Fund for Children
What will your 2020 look like?
We’re determined to make it the best year yet at GFC, so we asked our team what they’re looking forward to. In no particular order, here are 20 things we’re psyched about for 2020.
Advancing migrant rights. Next month we head to Tijuana to learn and strategize about youth and migration with 100+ partners, funders, and youth leaders (our biggest convening yet!).
Ending violence against girls. We’re launching a new project to fight the root causes of gender-based violence in rural Sierra Leone and Liberia. (By the way, did you hear the good news?)
Fundraising for our cause. At our fabulous gala in London, our supporters will raise funds to advance children’s rights worldwide.
And becoming more youth-led. We’re adding a new Youth Leadership Council seat to our Board of Directors, and welcoming three new council members.
The power of girls. We’ll gather in Honduras with all 18 partners in our Empowering Adolescent Girls initiative next month, with a special focus on advocacy and movement building.
Feedback. We’ll host our first LabStorm at Feedback Labs to help crack the code on meaningful youth engagement.
Learning. We’re expanding our “support beyond the check” online series to discuss with peer funders how together we can strengthen our services for child-centered organizations in Africa.
New reading material. For the young and the young-at-heart, a classic Global Fund for Children Book – Come Out and Play – will be published this June with a fresh look. Check out our founding story for more about the role of children’s books in GFC’s history.
Site visits. We’ll be on-the-ground in Honduras, Mexico, Indonesia, Thailand, Uganda, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to see our partners in action and meet the young people they serve. Check our blog for dispatches from the field!
You! Our work to support the rights and wellbeing of children worldwide would not be possible without the generous financial support of our friends and Ambassadors. We’re excited to visit with many of you in cities around the world this year!