Ways to give

You have the power to advance children’s rights and transform their lives. By giving today, you become a vital part of our efforts to create a more vibrant future for children worldwide.

Faça um presente

We accept donations online, in cryptocurrency, by check mailed to our office, and various other methods. We also have a variety of options to give in UK Pounds.

Give by check

Direct gifts by check can be mailed to our United States and United Kingdom offices at the following addresses:

Fundo Global para Crianças
1411 K Street NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20005
​​​​​​​United States

Fundo Global para Crianças UK Trust
Trabalho.Vida, 4 Crown Place
Londres EC2A 4BT
Reino Unido


Give in other ways

GFC is equipped to receive donations via:

  • Wire transfer
  • Stock contribution
  • Planned giving
  • Combined federal campaign
  • and other methods!

Please contact Rebecca Rubenstein at rrubenstein@globalfundforchildren.org for more information.

Young boy poking head. behind classroom wall.

Seu apoio gera mudanças reais

Your tax deductible contribution will allow more children to get the tools they need to be educated, safe, and healthy, and in turn, become changemakers in their own communities.

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