Ximena Ortiz

Program Officer

Ximena Ortiz works with Global Fund for Children’s Americas team supporting the GEM and Spark Fund initiatives, among other programs. She is an activist and ally of the migrant community, and she has been collaborating with migrant communities in Mexico and the United States since 2015. Prior to joining GFC, Ximena collaborated with a grassroots organization by and for the deported and returned community called Otros Dreams en Acción as a Deputy Director of Operations, where she oversaw fundraising and collective care practices and supported different projects within the organization. In 2022, Ximena was selected for a Global South fellowship in Bogotá, Colombia, where she focused on the co-construction of spaces for the exchange of knowledge between migrant women from the Global South. Ximena studied international relations. She speaks French and she is fluent in English and Spanish.



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