Campanha regional por uma Masculinidade Saudável: CUIDAR- NOS HACE BIEN

O que é a campanha mediática: Cuida-nos hace bien?

The regional media campaign Cuidar-nos Hace Bien is a collaborative effort led by Global Fund for Children (GFC) through its initiative Promoting Youth Leadership for Gender Justice (HEEL) and the Kalan Network for Healthy Masculinities. This network is composed of grassroots and community-based organizations operating in various regions of Central America.

Launched in April 2023, the campaign serves as a platform to promote youth leadership, amplify young voices, and raise awareness about gender justice. It also aims to foster care and healthy masculinities in a Latin American context shaped by systemic violence and gender inequality.

The aim of the campaign is to highlight youth art and creativity while promoting care and healthy masculinities as pathways toward gender equity and social justice.

The campaign places youth at the center of advocacy and engagement, actively working to facilitate the positive integration of young men’s voices and stories into narratives that promote gender justice.



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