Promoção da Liderança Juvenil para a Justiça de Gênero (HEEL)

We work with youth-led groups and networks of community-based organizations in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua to engage boys and young men in promoting healthy masculinities and advancing gender justice.

Borda tracejada ao redor da imagem
Brainstorming on artistic interventions that represent healthy masculinities

Global Fund for Children supports youth-led groups and networks of community-based organizations in Central America that are engaging boys and young men in promoting healthy masculinities and advancing gender justice.

Esta iniciativa é uma parceria entre a Fundação Summito Fundo Kendeda, and GFC. It aims to create lasting individual and social change for gender equity in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua by:

  • Supporting the efforts of youth-led groups to promote healthy masculinities, champion the gender justice movement, and strengthen the leadership skills of boys and young men so they can act as community promoters of healthy masculinities
  • Promoting storytelling to spark dialogue, challenge predominant ideas of masculinity, and foster the contributions of young men to narratives for gender justice
  • Creating safe spaces for boys and young men to challenge stigmas, attitudes, and laws that undermine gender equality
  • Fortalecimento de redes for advocacy and learning by connecting youth-led organizations and movements promoting healthy masculinities in Central America

The Promoting Youth Leadership for Gender Justice initiative is also known as the HEEL initiative, a Mayan word that means change and transformation. The initiative builds on the progress made during GFC’s six-year Changing Gender Attitudes, Empowering Girls initiative, which was also a partnership with the Summit Foundation, with additional support from Hawk Rock Foundation and the Girls Rights Project.

Learn more about these initiatives by reading the stories below.

Histórias em destaque

Parcerias fortes impulsionam nosso trabalho

A healthy masculinity is understanding that we have to take care of ourselves and others... this process has made me become autonomous, I discovered more about myself. / La masculinidad sana es entender que tenemos que cuidarnos y cuidar a lxs demás… este proceso me ha hecho ser autónomo, descubiri más cosas de mi mismo.

Leo, Culturas Campesinas, Colombia

It is possible to be a non violent man… I practice it (a healthy masculinity) in the kitchen that is my great passion and has allowed me to challenge gender stereotypes. / Es posible ser un hombre no violento… yo la practico en la cocina que es mi gran pasión y me ha permitido desafiar estereotipos de género.

Ángel, OYE, Honduras

I try to practice a healthy masculinity by being in touch with my emotions and spending time with my family.. listening to my grandparents. / Trato de practicar una masculinidad sana al estar más en contacto con mis emociones y pasar tiempo de calidad con mi familia… escuchar a mis abuelos.

Francisco, Corazón de Maíz, México



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