Aumentando as oportunidades para crianças com deficiência

Esta iniciativa apoia quatro organizações locais que capacitam crianças com deficiência na Índia e na Tailândia, aumentando seu acesso à educação e à saúde.

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A young person at TCDF's Forest School Academy picks vegetables on the organic farm.

Global Fund for Children supports four community-based organizations in Asia that are empowering children with disabilities by increasing their access to education and healthcare.

Our partners in this initiative are located in India and Thailand, where they are advocating for greater inclusion for children and youth with disabilities and ensuring they have access to quality education and medical care.

These organizations are empowering children and youth with disabilities by:

  • Meeting their educational needs and promoting inclusive and accessible learning environments.
  • Ensuring they have access to quality health care, including therapies and technology solutions.
  • Advocating for their inclusion and changing mindsets that limit their opportunities.

A GFC está fornecendo a essas organizações locais financiamento flexível e serviços de desenvolvimento de capacidade para apoiar seu crescimento e eficácia.

This initiative, along with the Preventing Child Trafficking in Asia and Eurasia initiative, is a partnership between the Fundação Dorothea Haus Ross e crise financeira global.

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Zy Movement Foundation works with schools, universities, hospitals, parents, and government stakeholders to ensure that children with disabilities have access to inclusive education, to provide cutting-edge technology solutions to children with physical disabilities, and to change the social mindset about the abilities of their children.

Chumphon Province, Thailand

Thai Child Development Foundation provides quality education to children with disabilities at its own education center, while also working with local schools, parents, and village leaders in Thailand’s Chumphon Province to ensure that children with disabilities have access to education, life skills trainings, and healthcare.

Bangalore, India

Sama Foundation provides a range of programs and services to meet the educational, medical, and emotional needs of children with disabilities. To promote inclusive and accessible learning, the organization currently runs five bridge centers in government schools, where children with severe disabilities and sensory impairment receive extra care and attention.

India | Bengaluru

Enfold Proactive Health Trust works to address child sexual abuse through education, training, research, advocacy, and programs for children and youth, including rehabilitative and restorative programs for children with intellectual and sensory disabilities. Children living with disabilities are at high risk for sexual abuse, which is why Enfold has created specialized programs and their own innovative take-home kit, called The Suvidha Kit.

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Parcerias fortes impulsionam nosso trabalho

The best part for me is that I can have a chance to help the children in need and to help the community.

Walaiphon Thongchan, Thai Child Development Foundation, Thailand

Everything we do is always about sustainability, not just growing our own food, but also to be independent in your home, in your own village.

Rosalie Tieges, Thai Child Development Foundation, Thailand



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