Prevenção do tráfico de crianças na Ásia e na Eurásia

Esta iniciativa apoia quatro organizações comunitárias que previnem o tráfico de crianças e apoiam sobreviventes na Índia, Quirguistão e Tailândia.

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Young people participating in a Jointly Act Girls initiative in Kyrgyzstan.

Global Fund for Children supports four community-based organizations in Asia and Eurasia that are preventing child trafficking and supporting survivors.

Our local partners in this initiative are preventing the exploitation of children and youth and helping trafficking survivors to rebuild their lives with dignity. They are located in India, Kyrgyzstan, and Thailand.

These organizations are preventing and responding to child trafficking by:

  • Empowering children and youth – particularly girls – to defend their rights through education and leadership programs.
  • Advocating for new legislation and public policies that protect and promote the rights of girls.
  • Working to reduce gender-based violence, child marriage, and bride kidnapping through community outreach and public awareness campaigns.
  • Promoting the rehabilitation and reintegration of trafficking survivors.

A GFC está fornecendo a essas organizações locais financiamento flexível e serviços de desenvolvimento de capacidade para apoiar seu crescimento e eficácia.

Esta iniciativa, juntamente com a Increasing Opportunities for Children with Disabilities initiative, é uma parceria entre a Fundação Dorothea Haus Ross e crise financeira global.

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