Meninas que vivenciam a migração (GEM)

Apoiamos um grupo de organizações da sociedade civil comprometidas em proteger a segurança e os direitos de adolescentes migrantes na Guatemala, no México e nos Estados Unidos.

Borda tracejada ao redor da imagem

The Girls Experiencing Migration (GEM) initiative supports a cohort of 14 civil society organizations that are committed to protecting the safety and rights of adolescent migrant girls in Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States.

This project is a partnership between Fundação TidesComic Relief EUA, and Global Fund for Children.

Based along the migration path, these local partners provide services to migrant girls journeying north, girls who have been detained, girls who have returned, and girls who think about leaving. The project also includes partners based in the United States that help migrant girls who have recently arrived, have been detained, or are adjusting to a new life in the United States.

In addition to supporting our partners’ programs and services for migrant girls, this project also aims to connect the partners with one another, strengthen their networks of peers and resources, and build collective advocacy.

To learn more about this project:

Histórias em destaque

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Parcerias fortes impulsionam nosso trabalho

This feminist school has been very powerful because many girls recognized themselves not only as changemakers but also as part of the decision-making of their schools.

Sofía, Colectiva Feminista MAPAS, México

Meninas e jovens migrantes têm desempenhado um papel vital na organização de eventos. Eles coordenam círculos semanais onde podem discutir entre si quais atividades os interessam e por que desempenham um papel importante em nossas comunidades e como isso os impactará. Isso prepara nossas meninas e jovens migrantes para se tornarem líderes do amanhã, onde sabem que suas vozes importam.

Homies Unidos, United States

Thanks to the support provided by GFC for the realization of the X edition of Miradas Fronterizas, we provided a safe space for creativity and play for the children who attended the festival with their families, as well as food and transportation. In addition, we were able to hold two art exhibits and a conversation that made visible the voices, feelings and thoughts of migrant girls, adolescents and women, and the women who accompany them in their processes in Tijuana.

Espacio Migrante, México



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