A painting from a child in Ukraine

Educar e proteger crianças ucranianas

Crianças e jovens ucranianos continuam a precisar de serviços e itens essenciais para salvar vidas enquanto a guerra da Rússia contra a Ucrânia continua. O Global Fund for Children apoia uma rede de organizações comunitárias na Ucrânia, Hungria, Polônia e Moldávia que estão fornecendo assistência de longo prazo a crianças e famílias.

Borda tracejada ao redor da imagem

Crianças e jovens ucranianos continuam a precisar de serviços e itens essenciais para salvar vidas enquanto a guerra da Rússia contra a Ucrânia continua. O Global Fund for Children apoia uma rede de organizações comunitárias na Ucrânia, Hungria, Polônia e Moldávia que estão fornecendo assistência de longo prazo a crianças e famílias.

Esta iniciativa é uma parceria entre Comic Relief EUA, Fundação Enkel, Doação Global, Fundação UBS Optimus, and GFC.

Since Russia’s war on Ukraine began in February 2022, GFC has approved 157 emergency grants totaling more than $3.1 million to support 76 community-based organizations, helping children and families under attack and refugees fleeing the country. However, as the war continues, children and their families also need long-term support, including safe shelters and community spaces, psychosocial services, and access to education.

Working under extremely difficult conditions, our partners are doing whatever they can to keep children and youth safe. They are repurposing and renovating structures to create shelters, long-term housing, and educational spaces. They are helping families to purchase food, water, fuel, and clothing. They are providing basic necessities to families seeking refuge in western Ukraine and beyond. They are offering emotional support to children living under incredible stress, assisting LGBTQ+ youth facing discrimination as they seek safety, and so much more. As the situation on the ground evolves, they will continue to adapt.

This initiative supports grassroots organizations committed to delivering long-term support in their communities, with an emphasis on:

  • Young people whose education has been disrupted.
  • Children and youth who have been disproportionally impacted by the war, such as those living with disabilities and  LGBTQ+ youth.

GFC is providing these organizations with flexible funding and capacity strenthening support so they can assist children and young people in a variety of settings, including schools, community centers, and temporary shelters.

Parcerias fortes impulsionam nosso trabalho

Young boy poking head. behind classroom wall.

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Make a donation to help community-based organizations provide emergency support to children and young people in Ukraine.

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