Meet Katherine, a key figure in GFC’s Exploring Masculinities in England initiative

Meet Katherine! GFC’s new Program Officer for the UK, Katherine Gilmour, plays an integral role in our Explorando Masculinidades na Inglaterra initiative.

Photo of Katherine.

KATHERINE, can you tell us about where you’re from and about your background?

I was born and grew up in the center of Scotland, just below the Highlands. I’m the oldest child in my family and have a wee brother and sister as well as a huge extended family with lots of cousins. Scotland is a beautiful, if very rainy, place to grow up! I love traveling and have lived and worked abroad, but it is always nice to come back home.

Qual é a sua lembrança favorita da infância?

Going to France to watch the FIFA World Cup in 1998. It was amazing! We got a week off school, it was the first time we’d been on holiday outside the UK, it was hot and sunny, we got to swim every day, and I tasted watermelon for the first time (it’s still my favorite food!). Scotland was, of course, knocked out of the tournament in the first stage, but we all received a medal for being the friendliest fans in the world anyway. It was great!

O que atraiu você para essa linha de trabalho e para a GFC?

I’ve been working on women’s and children’s rights, as well as wider gender justice work, for my whole career. I wholeheartedly believe that striving for gender equity serves everyone and that the way that society is currently set up hurts all of us, not just women and girls. The opportunity to lead an initiative focused on equipping and empowering boys and young men to explore expansive, inclusive, and healthy masculinities was too exciting to miss.

GFC’s emphasis on strengthening grassroots organizations and leaders was another major pull factor for me. Working with community-based, youth-led, and youth-focused organizations is an amazing privilege.

Qual você acha que será a parte mais desafiadora do seu trabalho? Qual será a mais gratificante?

Although I’ve been working in the NGO sphere for years, this is my first time moving to the funder side of the relationship. I’m sure this will be a challenge! However, GFC’s trust-based, partnership approach to funding is key to me making this move, and I think working to shift the power in traditional funder/fundee relations will be one of the most satisfying aspects of this role for me, alongside getting to partner with amazing organizations doing vital work around masculinities and gender.

Por que você acredita que o trabalho da GFC é importante?

So many reasons! The top three for me are the passion to ensure that children and young people are safe, respected, healthy, and happy; the understanding that communities are best placed to develop and drive their own solutions to what they need; and the willingness to try new things and take risks to build a better world for children and young people.

#FunFacts About Katherine

Qual era seu brinquedo favorito quando criança?

I wasn’t a huge toy person as a kid, but I loved my Skip-It and I almost always had a book in my hand.

O que você queria ser quando crescesse?

A vet – when I was 9, I couldn’t imagine a better job!

Qual foi a coisa mais estranha que você já comeu?

Durian fruit – I neither loved nor hated it; in fact, I thought it was a bit bland. Horse sashimi has to be up there too!

Você tem alguma implicância?

People interrupting or talking over others intentionally. It ruins the conversation for everyone, including the interrupter!

Se você pudesse ter algum superpoder, qual seria?

I would love to be able to teleport. You’d be able to travel the world instantly, without a carbon footprint!



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