Discussion series: strengthening nonfinancial support for NGOs in Africa

The Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group (AGAG) and Global Fund for Children (GFC) will co-host a three-part virtual discussion series, Partnering for Change: Strengthening Support Beyond the Check.

This series will explore the ways funders are providing nonfinancial support to community-based organizations in Africa. Our goals are to strengthen professional relationships between funders working on similar issues, share what we are learning, and raise questions about what we can do better.

The series was inspired by a lunch table conversation at the AGAG 2019 Annual Conference, in which GFC inquired about how other funders approach capacity development with their partners in Africa.

Simply getting resources to the people doing the work is one approach to driving change. Should we choose our partners well, disburse funds, and step out of the way? Or does support beyond the check make a difference? What are we learning about the impact of nonfinancial support? How do we determine if it makes a difference and contributes to long-term social change? Are there practices that have proven to be effective in helping organizations to be strategic, effective, and resilient?

This discussion series, which kicks off on August 28, provides an opportunity to build upon and expand the conversation. The series will be complemented with an online discussion group as a space to continue the conversation and share resources.

Note, this series is open to funders only to encourage an open and fruitful discussion among peers. For more information about the series contact Corey Oser at coser@globalfundforchildren.org, Alexander Kyerematen at akyerematen@globalfundforchildren.org, or Eden Butler at ebutler@agag.org.

[image_caption caption=”At a recent convening in South Africa, GFC partners gathered to share strategies and challenges. ” float=””]

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Additional details:

Part 1: Stronger Together: Supporting Grantee Networks and Collaboration 

Wednesday, August 28 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST

In this first conversation, we will explore how funders are supporting grantee partners in building relationships with other groups and collaborating in ways that are meaningful for them. We also want to discuss how funders measure the outcomes of collaborations and what we are learning about them.

Registration deadline: August 23

Part 2: Building a Stronger Organization Is Not Always a Straight Line

Wednesday, October 2 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST

Traditional organizational development support can imply following a linear path, but we know change is complex and organizations adapt and grow in different ways. Funders are expanding support beyond fundraising, financial management, and human resources to include areas such as wellbeing and collective care, learning, and safeguarding, among others. This conversation will aim to identify promising practices for supporting partners in these and other areas and to learn how funders are determining what works.

Registration deadline: September 27

Part 3: The Old Road is Rapidly Agin’: Youth-led Organizations as Agents of Change

Wednesday, October 30 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST

Given the average age on the African continent, young people inevitably lead some of our partner organizations, many of whom also aim to advance the leadership and participation of youth in society. How can funders be more effective at supporting youth-led organizations? How can they help community-based organizations become even better at listening to young people and building pathways to leadership for young constituents? This discussion will aim to uncover promising practices in support of Africa’s youth population.

Registration deadline: October 25




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