Nueva serie de videos: Niños y jóvenes conversan con el presidente y director ejecutivo de GFC

We are excited to launch GFC’s “Kids Chat with CEO” video series! Children and young people of all ages and backgrounds asked GFC President and CEO John Hecklinger about everything from GFC’s work to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to the world of Star Wars.

The first video in this series explores John’s role as President and CEO and breaks down GFC’s mission and approach. In the process, John and his young interviewers talk about GFC’s model for finding, funding, and strengthening local partners; what exactly flexible funding means; and why shifting power into the hands of local leaders is so effective.

“My favorite part is when I get to connect with the people who are running the organizations we are supporting. And, you know, ultimately it helps a lot of young people around the world in a lot of different ways,” John said in one of the interviews.

“It’s nice to be able to get up and go to work and feel like you’re making a difference in the world,” he added. 

Through the lens of a young person, get to know our President and CEO while gaining a deeper understanding of our work – and having some fun. Stay tuned for more videos in this series!



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